Why Weight access and fat accumulate?
When a person consumes more calories than they use. Over time, this can lead to weight gain.Some types of food are more likely to lead to weight gain. Some processed foods contain additives, such as high-fructose corn syrup. This can cause changes in the body that result in additional weight gain. Reducing the intake of processed, refined, and ready-made food that is high in sugar and fat, while increasing the consumption of whole grains and other high-fiber foods — such as fresh fruits and vegetables — can help a person to lose weight.
Our board certified physicians will provide comprehensive health care that includes consultation and weight loss treatment services; after checking your current health and ask about your medical history and knowing your destination the expert will offer appropriate prescription.
Med-Ped Health Care Weight loss treatments and prescription
Help is available for people who are concerned that they have too much weight. A change in diet and increase in exercise can help in many cases. If these do not work, a doctor may be able to recommend another solution. Call or Visit One of Our Walk-in Clinic to Get Consultation.