• 6201 Greenbelt Rd Suite M-16, Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
  • 301-441-4400

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Physical exams

Physical exams

Med-ped Physical Exam image

The Physical Examination and Health Assessment

In a physical examination, there are many things that your healthcare provider can find out by using their hands to feel (palpate), stethoscope and ears to listen, and eyes to see. Findings that are present on the physical exam may by themselves diagnose, or be helpful to diagnose, many diseases. Diagnosis often includes laboratory studies, radiology studies to look at certain organs, and the physical exam itself.

Our board certified physicians will provide comprehensive health care that includes consultation and immunization services; after examine your current health and ask about your medical history and knowing your destination the physician will offer appropriate prescription.

Med-Ped Health Care physical Inspection

In a physical examination, there are many things that your healthcare provider can find out by using their hands to feel (palpate), stethoscope and ears to listen, and eyes to see. Findings that are present on the physical exam may by themselves diagnose, or be helpful to diagnose, many diseases. The components of a physical exam include

  • Your skin - to look for bruising, cuts, moles or lumps
  • Your face and eyes - to see if they are even and "normal"
  • Your neck veins - to see if these are bulging, distended (swollen)
  • Your legs - to see if there are any swelling
  • Your muscles- to check for good muscle tone
  • Your elbows and joints - check for swelling and inflammation
  • Your chest and abdomen

How Med-Ped Health Care physicians examine


This is when the examiner uses their hands to feel for abnormalities during a health assessment.


This is an important physical examination technique used by your healthcare provider, where he or she will listen to your heart, lungs, neck or abdomen, to identify if any problems are present.


This is when the examiner uses their hands to “tap” on an area of your body during a health assessment.

Neurologic Examination

The physical examination is divided into 4 parts; cranial nerve assessment, motor function assessment, sensory function assessment, and assessment of reflexes.

An annual physical exam lets you and your doctor assess how you are doing health-wise regardless of whether you are feeling symptoms or not. It can also help you assess which areas of your health need attention so they don’t cause bigger issues later on. Call or Visit One of Our Walk-in Clinic to Get Consultation or take an online appointment from our expert physicians.

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